Case Studies

Stories about Great Lakes coastal communities working towards more resilient coastlines

A great way to learn about opportunities to enhance resilience to coastal hazards is to learn from peers. We are collecting stories and lessons learned about local initiatives to enhance coastal resilience in Wisconsin and throughout the Great Lakes to help build this knowledge base.

Southeastern Wisconsin Coastal Resilience Project Small Grant Recipients

These projects were funded as part of the Southeastern Wisconsin Coastal Resilience project led by the Wisconsin Coastal Management Program. To be eligible for this funding, Lake Michigan coastal local governments in Kenosha, Racine, Milwaukee, and Ozaukee counties completed a Coastal Resilience Self-Assessment to help prioritize top coastal hazard concerns and identify potential planning and mitigation practices to address these hazards. Local governments used the results of their assessment to develop projects that would help address priority needs identified in the assessment to enhance their capacity to plan, prepare for and adapt to coastal hazards.

Funding for this project was provided by the National Atmospheric and Oceanic Administration (NOAA) Coastal Resilience Grants Program, Grant # NA17NOS4730144.

Lake Michigan

Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan coastal communities can draw inspiration and lessons learned from one another.

Story Map of Policy & Planning Case Studies

This story map features case studies from within Wisconsin’s Lake Michigan coastal communities that specifically address coastal hazards and resilience through policy and planning.

Around the Great Lakes

Wisconsin’s Great Lakes communities can draw inspiration and lessons learned from other Great Lakes states and communities working towards more resilient shorelines.

Full Case Studies

The following case studies are detailed accounts of Great Lakes projects.


This page highlights key aspects of Great Lakes resilience projects and initiatives. Links are provided to learn more about each project.