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Blue Accounting for the Great Lakes

…the region’s progress toward shared goals for the Great Lakes. Maintained by the Great Lakes Commission, the information developed by Blue Accounting helps elected officials make sure that policies and…

Adapting to a Changing Coast (for Property Owners)

…ranging from public engagement to regional planning to coastal engineering. The booklet is available online and to download for free.   Audience This booklet is designed to help property and…

Great Lakes Coastal Shore Protection Structures and Their Effects on Coastal Processes

…can download this document for free on the Sea Grant webpage. Audience This publication is designed to help property owners, community officials, and land managers to understand how coastal processes…

Ice Ice Baby (What’s it Gonna Do to My Bluff?)

…might guess, the answer is a little bit of both.     Ice develops on Lake Michigan during the winter but the Lake does not completely freeze over. Because of…

A Property Owner’s Guide to Protecting Your Bluff

…guide explains practices that property owners can use to take care of their bluffs, including informed site usage, proper water drainage, stabilizing vegetation, and if necessary, bluff toe protection. Download

Funding the Samuel Myers Park Restoration Project

…of place, community appreciation for the natural environment, and free, high quality recreation opportunities. The Health Department utilized 23 different funding sources to support initial research and fact finding as…

Great Lakes Coastal Resilience Planning Guide

…to address coastal hazards. The solutions and strategies come from community members that have experienced the impacts of coastal hazards in their community and have done something about it. This…

Kemper Center Shoreline Protection Design

…development, Lake Michigan coastal local governments completed a Coastal Resilience Self-Assessment (link) to help prioritize top coastal hazard concerns and identify potential actions to enhance their capacity to plan, prepare…

Wisconsin Climate Table

…of best practices modeled by communities in Wisconsin and across the United States. WI Climate Table Municipal Examples Resources A comprehensive collection of guides, reports, and data for further support…

Waves and Coastal Storms and Erosion, Oh My!

…when waves can come into direct contact with the shoreline. These impacts can be seen when there is low ice cover on the Lake. Low ice cover combined with intense…