This fact sheet describes the standard procedures of a coastal protection project.
Working With Engineers and Contractors on Shore Protection Projects
Working with Engineers and Contractors on Shore Protection Projects is a four page document that describes the standard procedures of a coastal protection project. In addition, the document highlights the benefits of using an engineering professional or contractor and provides recommendations for finding and choosing a qualified engineering professional or contractor that will fit the needs of the project. This decision support tool was developed by Bill Brose of SmithGroupJJR, Gene Clark of the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, Matthew Clark of Baird and Associates, and Phillip Keillor of the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute. This document is available to download for free on the University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute and Water Resources Institute website.
This document is written for property owners or municipalities to utilize when they are considering a shore protection project. The document is divided into three main sections; major steps of a shore protection project, benefits of using a professional, and how to select a professional. Property owners and municipal land managers can quickly read and understand the basics of employing an engineering professional or contractor to assist in a shore protection project.
Decision Support
As stated in the document, “shore protection as a do-it-yourself project is often a series of short-term experiments […] and costly search for a long-term solution.” This tool was written to help property owners and municipal land managers select experienced professionals that can help them plan, implement, and monitor a coastal protection project as well as maximize the long-term success of the project and minimize long-term costs.