Fact sheet that lays out the most pertinent information about risk factors of bluff failure, options for repair, and who to contact.
Protect your Home from Bluff Erosion: Fact Sheet

Severe bluff toe erosion
The fact sheet, “When Your Home is at Imminent Risk from Bluff Failure”, is put together by the Wisconsin Sea Grant to help homeowners understand when their homes are at imminent risk of bluff failure, what to do about it, and where to get more information. It is a simple 2 pager that lays out the most pertinent information about risk factors, options for repair, and who to contact.
The “When Your Home is at Imminent Risk from Bluff Failure” fact sheet is designed to be an easy-to-use resource for homeowners or others who have buildings or own property along the coast.
Decision Support
This fact sheet is designed to help homeowners assess their risk level for bluff erosion and home failure. The three different sections of this fact sheet include: (1) Risk factors of whether a home is at imminent risk to bluff failure, including the distance of the house to the edge of the bluff, the overall stability of the bluff, and the rate at which the bluff is receding; (2) Options for home protection: relocation, slow bluff toe erosion, enhance bluff slope stability; (3) contacts and links for further information, including the WI Sea Grant, municipal or zoning offices, the WI Department of Natural Resources, as well as house movers, engineers and contractors.
For more information contact: Adam Bechle, Coastal Engineer Specialist at the WI Sea Grant. bechle@aqua.wisc.edu, 608-263-5133
Link to the Fact Sheet PDF: Bluff Failure Fact Sheet