Online guide about nature-based solutions to various coastal hazards.
Naturally Resilient Communities
Naturally Resilient Communities is an online guide about nature-based solutions to various coastal hazards. This guide generates a suite of nature-based infrastructure approaches that are specific to the user’s environment and type of issue trying to be addressed such as stormwater flooding or erosion control. This guide also includes real-world case studies and success stories to help demonstrate the implementation of natural infrastructure projects. This decision support tool was developed in partnership by the American Planning Association, the American Society of Civil Engineers, the Association of Floodplain Managers, the National Association of Counties, the Nature Conservancy, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, and Sasaki Associates. You can use this tool online, for free.
This guide is a resource for coastal communities to help them find possible solutions to the coastal hazards impacting their environment. The possible management options and case studies provided in this guide are a point of reference for coastal communities when they are in the process of finding or considering different actions.
Decision Support
In this highly visual guide, users can tailor the possible management options to their needs by selecting a hazard and then choosing a region, community type, scale, and cost. Based on the user’s selections, the guide will present a suite of applicable, nature-based infrastructure approaches and case studies.