This blog shares tools and resources to help individuals understand risk from coastal hazards and options for addressing these hazards.
Where do I start?
Coastal hazards like erosion and flooding along Wisconsin’s Great Lakes coasts can be a threat to properties, particularly when water levels are high. Below is a list of available tools and resources to help individuals understand coastal hazards, weigh the risks coastal hazards pose to a property, understand options for addressing these hazards, and get started on implementing actions if necessary. While these tools can be helpful to gauge coastal hazard risk and develop a plan, any major or immediate concerns should seek professional assistance from an engineer, geologist, or other qualified professional.
Click on each resource to access them online, for free.
A printable PDF version of this resource list is also available for use as a handout.
Understanding Coastal Processes
When dealing with coastal hazards like erosion and flooding, it can be helpful to understand how the forces of nature like water levels and waves can combine to threaten your property.
Assessing Vulnerability
Flood and erosion hazard mapping combined with a sense of historic water level conditions can be combined to help understand the risk a particular property may face from coastal hazards. While these tools can be helpful to gauge risk, any major and immediate concerns should seek professional assistance from an engineer, geologist, or other qualified professional.
Reviewing Your Options
Many possible options exist to address coastal hazard issues. The appropriate actions for a particular property are often situational and site specific. The best option for a property experiencing coastal hazard issues can range from do-nothing, implementation of site management best practices, relocation of a house, and when absolutely necessary, construction of shore protection structures. The resources below offer some considerations when weighing these options.
Implementing Constructed Measures
If you decide that your best option is to proceed with constructed measures to protect your coastal property, then it’s time to move forward and work with contractors, engineers, and potentially even your neighbors to consider, prioritize, and implement appropriate management actions.
Click below to download a PDF version of these resources!